Head Over Heels Reminder!
Hello Parents/Guardians,
We are getting to the end of session I and we are very proud of how your children have progressed these past couple months. We just have a few reminders for you as we continue on into session II:
– Please make sure your children come to class with a water bottle. Try and stay away from the high-sugar sport drinks.
– Remember long hair must be tied back. Also, all jewelry must be off (with an exception of stud earrings).
– Make sure your bringing your child into the gym and signing him/her in at the front desk. This procedure if for safety reasons and to keep attendance. Also, when picking up your child you must come into the gym. We will not allow children to go out into the parking lot to wait.
– If you are not on our E-mail list, fill out a form at the front desk! We are working on getting a website up and running, so our E-mail list is a good way to inform you about up-coming events at H.O.H.
– Please try to arrive with your child on time so they do not miss the warm-up. If you do arrive late your child will still be expected to do the warm-up. Especially for the younger children, arriving late tends to intimidate them which makes them hesitant to join the group already on the floor.
– We now have used (but in very good condition) leotards on sale! We plan on having more up for sale soon!
– Winter Season is around the corner, so for class cancellations call the gym and it will be recorded on the message machine. *H.O.H. usually is closed when Rutland Public Schools are closed.*
– Parents remember; you are more than welcome to stay and watch your child during his/her class, but please remember not to call out to them. We want them to be able to stay focused, undistracted and safe.
**ALSO, siblings who are playing in the kid’s area must be respectful to the class that is taking place, especially when the class is in the beam/bar area. This is also to help the focus of the children.
-Don’t forget about Open Gym Friday Nights! Every Friday night from 7pm-9pm. This is for ages 5 and up. Non-students are welcome as well! Registered Students pay $7, Non-students pay $10.
**If you are not registered for session II, please sign up at the front desk before all slots are full!!
We are very excited to be moving forward at Head Over Heels with your children! J
Any questions or concerns contact Candace: Candace@Headoverheels.comcast.biz.net
Thank you for your support,
Head Over Heels Staff